Call for Abstracts MPN Horizons 2021 – Virtual
With COVID-19 having such a profound impact across the world, this year MPN Horizons have dedicated a session on this subject, to be held on Friday 22nd October during Medical and Advocacy Session #1: COVID-19 and MPN – What have we learned?, titled: “How has your organisation adapted to COVID-19 and what have you learned so far, that can be used in the future when the pandemic is over.”
The presentations should describe how COVID-19 has Impacted your patient organization, the particular challenge(s) that was faced, and how your organisation solved them. Other MPN patient organisations could learn from your case study and may be inspired to do something similar. You should also share what went right and potentially what went wrong and what you would do differently next time. The presentations should NOT be about your organisation as such.
Participants are now invited to submit abstracts for this session until 22nd October. The MPN Abstract Committee will then review all abstracts and select those that will be presented during the session.
What is the format of the session? How am I expected to present?
Impact on patient organisations case studies will consist of a short (maximum 10 minutes, maximum 8 slides) presentation covering a case study as described above. Once the entire session is over there will be Q & A on the session which will also include your talk. The presentations should not be about the organisation but about how your organisation has adapted to COVID-19 and what can be learned from this.
How can I submit an abstract?
Participants who would like to present in Medical and Advocacy Session #1: – titled: COVID-19 and MPN – What have we learned? are invited to submit a short abstract using the form below. Once you have completed the form, please send it to Natasa Hace, email:
Download the MPN HZ 21 Best Practices Session Template
What happens after I have submitted the abstract?
The MPN Horizons Scientific Committee will review the abstracts and select one to be presented during the Medical and Advocacy Session #1: – titled: “How has your organisation adapted to COVID-19 and what have you learned so far, that can be used in the future when the pandemic is over.” If your abstract is not selected, please feel encouraged to send us a digital poster to display in the virtual/digital poster room.
Participants will be contacted shortly after 22nd October, to give you enough time to prepare your presentation and to book you in to pre-record your presentation. Please note the number of slides should not exceed 8 slides.
Your MPN Horizons Steering Committee