CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (Best Practice Session) – MPN Horizons 2024 presentations on advocacy best practices

What is the Advocacy Best Practice Sharing session?

The MPN Advocacy Best Practice session, to be held on Sunday, 8th September 2024, will include very short presentations and concise, focused discussions on successful advocacy topics held by your groups. The presentations should describe a key initiative that you have implemented, of which other MPN patient organisations could learn from and where they may also be inspired to do the same. You should also share what went right and potentially what went wrong and what you would do differently next time. The presentations should NOT be about your organisation as such.

The aim of the session is to provide participants with the opportunity to learn from the initiatives and experience of other MPN organisations in these advocacy areas, not to learn about specific patient organisations as such.

Participants are now invited to submit abstracts for this session until 5th August 2024. The MPN Horizons Steering Committee will then review all abstracts and select those that will be presented during the session.

You will receive abstract form with you confirmation letter. Alternately you can download the template HERE and the abstract form HERE or contact Marija at and she will send them both to you.

For any questions, please contact please contact Marija our Network Manager on email: or on Tel: +389 7785 9659 through WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram.