MPN Horizons 2023 – Call for Abstracts

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MPN Advocacy Best Practice presentations at MPN Horizons 2023

What is the Advocacy Best Practice Sharing session?

The MPN Advocacy Best Practice session, to be held on Friday, 13th October 2023 will include very short presentations and concise, focused discussions on successful advocacy topics held by your groups. The presentations should describe a key initiative that you have implemented, of which other MPN patient organisations could learn from and where they may also be inspired to do the same. You should also share what went right and potentially what went wrong and what you would do differently next time. The presentations should NOT be about your organisation as such.

The aim of the session is to provide participants with the opportunity to learn from the initiatives and experience of other MPN organisations in these advocacy areas, not to learn about specific patient organisations as such.

Participants are now invited to submit abstracts for this session until 15th September 2023. The MPN Horizons Steering Committee will then review all abstracts and select those that will be presented during the session.

What is the format of the session? How am I expected to present?

The MPN Advocacy Best Practice session consists of 6 short (maximum 10 minutes, maximum 10 slides) plenary presentations covering an initiative of an advocacy topic. Each of the presentations will be followed by a 5 minutes discussion. The presentations should not be about the organisation but about one particular initiative or activity.

How can I submit an abstract?

Participants who would like to present in the session are invited to submit a short abstract (maximum 300 words) by email to Marija at, on an advocacy or capacity building initiative (not on your organization!).

Potential topics for presentation include, but are not limited to:

  • Actions that solved a treatment access problem
  • Advocacy networking – joining forces to address an advocacy challenge
  • Reaching patients who are not online
  • Working with volunteers
  • Promoting wellness using complementary therapies
  • Tools that facilitate communication with patients’ families (eg. children)
  • Conducting a patient survey
  • Using guidelines as an advocacy tool
  • Supporting caregivers

The presentation should NOT present your organisation but a successful initiative of yours, so other advocates can learn from your experience and potentially do something similar in their countries!

You can download the template HERE.

What happens after I have submitted the abstract?

The MPN Steering Committee will review the abstracts and select which ones will be presented during the MPN Advocacy Best Practice session. If your abstract is not selected, please feel encouraged to bring a poster with you to the meeting to display in the poster area.

Participants will be informed 3 weeks before the conference, to give you enough time to prepare your presentation. The slides must be provided at least 9 days prior to the conference, to be reviewed. Please note the number of slides should not exceed 6 slides.